As business owners and managers, we’ve all heard how important it is to have a good looking, easy-to-use website, set-up and regularly publish content on a company blog, participate in social media, utilize email marketing, and focus on getting our company and website to come up in the top rankings on the search engines. What may be a bit confusing, is how all of these marketing initiatives influence one another, and how they are tied together.
This diagram illustrates a blueprint for online marketing success and shows the role each marketing tool plays within an effective online marketing system.
1: Quality Content is Published on Your Website
Your website should be the hub of all of your online marketing activity. Your marketing efforts should be geared towards driving quality traffic to your website where the goal is getting them to take action in some measurable way (i.e., make a purchase, request a consultation, schedule an appointment, sign-up to receive your newsletter, etc.) One of the best ways to increase quality traffic to your website is to publish keyword-rich, content your target market will find useful, relevant, and sharable on a consistent basis.
More Blogging = More Traffic, Leads and Sales
- Companies that blog only 1-2 times a month generate 70% more leads than those who don’t blog. (Hubspot)
- Companies with 9-15 blog posts per month had double the inbound traffic of companies with only 1-2 posts each month. (Hubspot)
- Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links. (Social Media Today)
The key is to make sure each blog post gets as much traction as possible. Post it on Facebook, LinkedIn (your personal profile, company page, and relevant groups), Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit, etc. Use the blog post as content for your email newsletters to send to your current customer database, prospects, and subscribers via your website.
2: Content Gets Shares, Links & Likes
As you start publishing your company’s blog posts on a regular basis and spreading it across the Internet, your content will start generating shares, links, and “likes”.
3: Site Gains Subscribers & Social Medial Channels Gain More Fans, Followers & Connections
As a result, your website’s blog will gain more subscribers. Your social media channels will gain more fans, followers, and connections. And, your email newsletter subscriber base will grow.
4: A Thriving Community Supporting Your Website Grows
A thriving community of people who are interested in your compelling, user-focused content develops and starts to thrive.
5: Your Company’s Reputation is Reinforced through Social Media & SEO and is Seen as “Authoritative”
Signals are sent to the search engines about your activity on social media sites and your keyword-rich content. Your website starts being viewed as relevant, reputable, and authoritative.
6: Your Website Gains Authority in Search Engines
As a result, your website and its content starts appearing higher and more frequently in the top search engine’s rankings and listings for your targeted keywords and keyword phrases.
7: A Consistently Growing Stream of Users Discover the Website Organically (Free)
All of the content is housed on your website and a consistently growing stream of users will begin discovering the website via the search engines, social media sites, and your email marketing efforts.
As content continues to be developed and published, the cycle continues, and your company’s online reputation and presence grows exponentially and becomes more and more prominent, resulting in more quality traffic, leads, and conversions / sales!
Ready to Set-up Your Company’s Blueprint for Online Marketing Success?
Aspire Internet Design has helped hundreds of businesses with their online marketing system and blueprint for success. Contact us today for a free consultation on how we might be able to help your business increase its online presence and drive more quality traffic, leads, and conversions on your company’s website.