Attracting web traffic and generating leads is critical to your business for expanding your market segment and increasing your sales. Other businesses and consumers often start their hunt for products and services with a web search, so you not only want a professional website, but you want one that will draw traffic. Based on a survey of 7,000 businesses, HubSpot developed a marketing benchmark report that reveals key ways to draw more traffic to your website.
Increase Web Traffic With More Pages On Your Site
The raw number of pages on your website is directly correlated with the amount of inbound web traffic your site will draw. HubSpot’s report reveals the following statistics for both B2B & B2C companies:
- Companies with between 51 and 100 pages get 48% more traffic than those with only 1 to 50 pages on their site.
- Websites with 101 to 200 pages generate 2.5x more leads.
- Companies with more than 200 pages on their site get approximately 5 times as much inbound traffic as companies with 10 pages or less.
- Companies with 1,000+ web pages see 9.5x more traffic than companies with under 50 pages.
Create Many Different Types of Pages
The pages on your site don’t all have to be straight content pages in your website structure. A website with over 1,000 of these would be unwieldy and difficult to navigate. Instead, branch out in the types of pages you create as you build your website. The HubSpot report shows trends of exponential growth in web traffic as businesses have more pages of several types, including blog posts and landing pages.
For example, B2B companies with 9 to 15 blog posts per month had double the inbound traffic of companies with only one or two blog posts each month. Companies that blog only 1-2 times a month generate 70% more leads those who don’t blog.
The biggest gains in blogging are among small businesses with less than 10 employees, so if you fit in this category, it’s even more important to establish a blog to add more pages and content to your website.
Key Takeaway: Start Expanding Your Website Now
You don’t have to make the leap from 10 pages on your site to 1,000 pages in just a month. You’ll start seeing benefits right away, and these benefits will only get larger as you add more pages. Therefore, take the time now to develop a content strategy for what types of pages you will add to your site, how you will develop the content, and how frequently you will add to your website.